Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reflect on your semester

This year in Enviromental Science I learned lots of stuff! I had a great experience. We even planted new plants where there was nothing but dirt. I learned about air polution and about the recycling process. This class has taught me how just recycling paper,plastic, and cans can make our envioroment better. I also learned on solar power how it is less hurtful towards the enviroment!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog 14- What energy sources are technology limited? Give at least two examples

Today, our planet greatly depends on many energy resources. The population of the world is rising, which means that people will need more energy for living, but much of the energy that people use is being depleted. To be more specific, coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear energy are some of the main energy sources used today. Even though our energy demands depend highly on these sources, use of these energy sources is associated with various environmental problems and a concern for the future with an inevitable shortage.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

blog #8 (your choice)

The other week our class in Enviromental science I was taking notes, and learned about what human nutritional needs. some of them were Carbohydrates,Lipids and Proteins. I also learned about about different levels of agriculture. Some are feudal,industrial,wheat,corn, and cassava.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

nutrition analysis result

The results of my nutrition analysis was that my calories were 14625.22. vitA (iu) was a major part of my eating. Fat(g) came out to 444.13 and the Fiber(g) was 50.34. I noticed during the last 3 days that i was drinking more water and milk than usually. Most of the water came from drinking fruit punk and kool aid.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What are two ways a population can grow even if the birth rate declines?

Population growth refers to change in the size of a population—which can be either positive or negative—over time, depending on the balance of births and deaths. If there are many deaths, the world's population will grow very slowly or can even decline. Population growth is measured in both absolute and relative terms. Absolute growth is the difference in numbers between a population over time; for example, in 1950 the world's population was 4 billion, and in 2000 it was 6 billion, a growth of 2 billion. Relative growth is usually expressed as a rate or a percentage; for example, in 2000 the rate of global population growth was 1.4 percent (or 14 per 1,000). For every 1,000 people in the world, 14 more are being added per year.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Habitat destruction has been linked to the loss of many species. Which of the biomes or ecosystems do you feel is most fragile and endanger? Why?

One of the most endangered ecosystems on the planet continues to vanish at record rates due to lack of protection. Native prairie losses continue to mount as grain prices and demands for biofuels make the expensive conversion to cropland profitable, despite the costs to waterfowl, wildlife, and the American taxpayer.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Describe the common parts of a river (riparian) habitat

Rivers have been used as a source of water, for obtaining food, for transport, as a defensive measure, as a source of hydropwer to drive machinery, for bathing, and as a means of disposing of waste.Rivers have been used for navigation for thousands of years.The ecosystem of rivers is generally described by the river continuum concept, which has some additions and refinements to allow for spatial (dams, waterfalls) and temporal (extensive flooding). The basic idea is that the river can be described as a system that is continuously changing along its length in the physical parameters, the availability of food particles and the composition of the ecosystem.

Blog # 2 Which biome would you most like to visit? Why?

Some problems in the fresh water biome are pollution (caused by humans), bacteria (medical problems) and over fishing. Some examples of pollution can be industrial waste, oil leakage or just plain littering. So would like to visit the biome water pollution problem to see if i can help the community out by getting it cleaner

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Describe some of the relationships between organisms you believe are happening on campus. Give at least three examples

Gio,Danielle,Pricilla,Justine-Well all living animals effect our Enviroment a few are : Birds, ants, and even some plants
Such as Weeds. The animal has the greatest impact since agriculture represents a way of organizing the environment to produce food, and this includes crops and livestock animals.
The animal effects the plants because it would use the flower as its meal.